Relax. Retune. Revive.
Heal mind, body and spirit.
Relax. Retune. Revive.
Heal mind, body and spirit.
Hi I'm Chrissy, a qualified Sound Healing Practitioner with The College of Sound Healing and Reiki Practitioner. From my tranquil home studio in Bury, Lancashire, and in the local area I offer one-to-one and group sound healing sessions using a wide range of therapeutic instruments, one-to-one Reiki healing, a powerful combination of Reiki and sound healing, and Reiki drum technique sessions.
My healing sessions take a holistic approach to healing the entire person, repairing physical, emotional and mental aspects of ourselves that are out of alignment and restoring spiritual wholeness.
Having experienced the powerful effects of sound healing and Reiki for many years, I am empowered to support others on their healing journeys with a calm, nurturing approach. Book a session with The Retune Room to relax, retune and revive your entire being.
Learn more about sound healing and Reiki and my own personal journey
Sound healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies with the intention of bringing the mind, body and spirit into harmony and balance. It can be transmitted through toning and chanting with the voice or by using various musical instruments. It has been used for thousands of years in cultures all over the world, including the ancient civilizations of China, Egypt, Greece and India. It is a powerful, non-invasive tool which can alleviate physical and emotional pain, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep patterns, enhance overall health and vitality, and more.
Sound healing is based on the concept that everything in the Universe is in a state of vibration, including the human body which is a complex vibratory system. All our organs, bones, tissues and bodily systems have their own natural vibration or resonant frequency. Together, they make up a composite frequency, like the instruments of an orchestra. When part of the body is vibrating out of ease and harmony, this affects the entire body and results in ‘dis-ease’. Correct resonant frequencies can be projected into these areas of the body to rejuvenate and restore the body’s own natural and healthy vibrations, any imbalance ceases and healing occurs.
Entrainment is a phenomenon of sound in which the powerful vibrations of one source actually change those of another, causing the second source to synchronise with the first. We undergo entrainment frequently, shifting and changing with the different external vibrations we are exposed to. During sound healing, if a person is physically, mentally or emotionally out of balance, their body’s rhythms will lock into the powerful healing sounds and synchronise with the frequencies being created. The energy shift, or healing that occurs as entrainment takes place, can be experienced in many different ways, such as sensations, images, colours, memories, energetic and emotional releases.
The Universe is alive with sound, and within all sounds are harmonics. Nearly all tones that are produced are mixtures of pure tone frequencies called partials, with the lowest frequency called the fundamental. All partials higher in frequency than the fundamental are referred to as overtones and are mathematically related to each other. The overtone series goes on infinitely, with each overtone being a geometric multiple of the fundamental, going faster and faster, higher and higher. Overtones are responsible for shaping the individual sounds we hear, and for giving instruments and voices their uniqueness. When we hear sounds rich in harmonics, it induces an altered state of consciousness, slowing down our brainwave patterns so that we feel deeply relaxed and enter a dreamlike state. In this state, our breathing, heart rate and blood pressure decrease which helps our immune system function more efficiently, reduces our stress hormones and triggers the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain.
If we sing or play two different notes, one after the other or at the same time, we create a musical interval. When we listen to all the intervals in the natural musical scale it is profoundly healing, with each musical interval having a different effect on our body, emotions and mind. Harmonising intervals have a relaxing effect on the body and bring it into balance. Dissonant intervals can sound uncomfortable but shift stagnant energy and bring up unresolved emotions in the body. Each interval emits a frequency that resonates with a specific part of our being and the space between this sound allows the absorption of the vibration and healing to take place. The intervals are musical medicine for our body, naturally retuning the body to its proper harmonic vibration and rhythm and restoring balance.
The ability of consciousness (our thoughts, beliefs, feelings or purpose) to be encoded upon sound waves and amplify their effect is an extremely important phenomenon of sound healing. Jonathan Goldman states that “it is not only the frequency of the sound that creates the effect, it is also the intention of the person making and receiving the sound that causes the outcome”. Spiritual elements may be incorporated into sound healing sessions, including the use of prayers, affirmations, or other forms of intention setting to direct healing energy towards the recipient. If pure sound with a pure intention is created then healing will occur.
Sound is a subtle energy. The body and its energy fields respond more effectively to the application of gentle energy so we should not overload a person with sound but use it in a soft, focused way. Silence is the polar opposite to sound but is as equally important, with both needing to be utilised for healing and transformation. Silence is the space where the transformational work of frequency shifting happens and change occurs. The power to heal ultimately comes from within – silence helps to quieten the mind, promote deep relaxation, connect with our inner voice and activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
Reiki (pronounced 'Ray Kee') is an ancient energy healing technique rediscovered in Japan by Mikao Usui in the 1920s. The term Reiki is derived from two Japanese words: “Rei” meaning “wisdom of the universe” and “Ki” meaning “life-force energy”. Reiki can be defined as ‘life-force energy guided by universal wisdom’ or ‘spiritually guided life-force energy’. Ki (also known as Qi, Chi, Prana) is a vital, life-sustaining energy which flows through all living things. A disruption in the flow of Ki is the main cause of illness. Reiki is a gentle and effective way of tapping into high vibrational energy guided by a higher intelligence, addressing illness and injury at its source, breaking through energetic blockages and aiding recovery on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
The aura is multi-layered energy field of subtle bodies (etheric, emotional, mental, spiritual) that surrounds and penetrates our physical body. The aura together with the chakra system (energy centres), meridians and nadis (energy channels) bring prana, or life-force energy, to the physical body. When all of our chakras are open or balanced, energy can run through them freely and harmony exists between the physical body, mind and spirit, creating good health and feelings of wellbeing in our everyday life.
There are seven main chakras that run along your spine, starting at the base of your spine and extending to the crown of your head, which correspond to certain parts of the body and aspects of ourselves:
Our energy system is affected by our beliefs, thoughts, emotions, experiences and genetic inheritance. Any physical problems that manifest in the body will originate from either a blockage or depleted flow in the energy within our aura or chakras. Sound healing and Reiki can clear and cleanse the subtle energy system, and remove any areas of imbalance or dis-ease before it enters our physical being and potentially causes any pain or suffering.
My interest in holistic therapies began when I was 13 years-old, during a struggle with agoraphobia and panic attacks. I found solace in crystals, acupressure, homoeopathy and aromatherapy which supported my healing journey for many years. After my experience it was my desire to help others with mental health issues, either through holistic therapies or as a Psychologist. I gained a 2:1 BSc(Hons) Psychology degree in 2000 but ended up following a completely different path, working in Research and Analytics for a Local Authority for over 20 years.
My job became quite stressful and daily work-life balance struggles combined with some traumatic experiences eventually took a toll on my health. I reached a point of despair and exhaustion, then in 2019 my life changed forever when a wonderful friend introduced me to my first soundbath with GoGongs and I have been a regular devotee ever since. In the same magical week I also found Becky, a super-talented holistic therapist who continues to support me with Reiki, reflexology, crystal healing and massage. I reconnected with my love of crystals and received a level 1 attunement to Reiki in 2020 which was truly transformative.
My whole outlook on life changed, I no longer resonated with a stressful, constantly busy lifestyle where I was always rushing around ‘doing’ and ‘giving’ and neglecting to look after myself. I happily transformed into a more calm and chilled-out soul, prioritising self-care and focusing on ‘being’ in the present moment, accepting and allowing whatever the Universe had planned for me. Inspired to learn more to support my own wellbeing routine, I embarked on sound healing training in 2022. The more I discovered, the more I felt empowered to help others on their healing journeys, and so The Retune Room was created – a calming space to relax, retune and revive while immersing in soothing waves of sound. In 2024, I became a Reiki Practitioner able to offer a powerful combination of Reiki and sound healing.
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